Matthew Lewis, PhD
Dr. Matt Lewis is a Program Officer at the Coalition for Aligning Science, working as the open science lead for the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative to ensure that ASAP-generated research outputs (data, code, lab materials, protocols) are shared publicly for future re-use by the scientific community.
Dr. Lewis is interested in developing tools to improve scientific analysis, data management, and governance. He works with the ASAP grantees and the larger OS community to provide guidance in best practices and to develop new standards for research sharing as new technologies and experimental approaches are developed. Given that open science (OS) is an integral component of ASAP’s mission, he represents ASAP within two member-based OS organizations, cOAlitionS, and the Open Research Funders Group.
Before joining CAS, Dr. Lewis completed postdoctoral training in systems neuroscience at Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience within the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His research focused on the role of biogenic amines and frontal cortex in decision-making and cognitive flexibility. He earned his PhD in neurobiology from Cornell University.